Homeschoolers Converge on the Capitol as 2012 Florida Legislative Session Begins
Tallahassee, FL – The 2012 Florida legislative session begins today, Tuesday, January 10, 2012. As busy homeschool parents most of us don’t have the time or resources to stay on top of all of the action in Tallahassee, but don’t worry, FPEA’s Legislative Committee is prepared to keep you informed of any and all issues that could potentially impact homeschooling in Florida.
Our Committee members will be monitoring and reporting on activity within the Florida legislative session that pertains to homeschool families across the state. We will use theFPEA Blog, Facebook page and Twitter to make announcements, publish updates and, if necessary, alert you to any time sensitive actions that might be needed to help share our opinions with state representatives.
To help kick-off the legislative session the FPEA Board of Directors will be meeting with homeschool families this Thursday for FPEA Day at the Capitol. This annual event helps to demonstrate our homeschool community’s interest and involvement in the issues effecting Florida families. If your family would like to join the activities there is still time to RSVP (Call 1-877-ASK-FPEA or Email If you can’t make it to Tallahassee you can still feel like you are participating in this important day by following as we provide real-time updates via Facebook and Twitter.
If your family would like to learn more about Florida’s state legislature, visit The Official website of the Florida Legislature. Children will also enjoy the websites for Florida Senate Kids and My Florida House Fun Facts.
“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.” Samuel Adams
Are you part of that minority? Are you ready to ensure your homeschooling rights are protected? Are you brave enough to set the brush fires in your legislator’s minds?
Join the Florida Parent-Educators Association and Home Education Foundation on the 22nd floor of YOUR Capitol Building on Thursday, January 12, at 10 a.m. and let your voice be heard.
The day’s highlights include:
- An update by Jeff Hall, FPEA Chairman
- A Legislative Update from Brenda Dickinson, Home Education Foundation
- Time to meet the FPEA Legislative Committee
- Bill Mattox of the James Madison Institute on how to interact with your legislators and how to host your own Town Hall Meeting.
- Lunch by Chick-Fil-A
- Sacred Heart Homeschool Group Re-enactors performing the Lincoln-Douglas debate that won the Florida History Fair.
- Drawings for lots of door prizes, including computers, convention passes, mileage reimbursement, just to name a few
- Visit with your State Legislative Representatives
- Address by Governor Rick Scott
For parking instructions, visit: http://www.
Receive Special FPEA rates at the following hotels:
- Holiday Inn and Suites ($149/night, full restaurant on site) 2725 Graves Rd, Tallahassee 32303
- Comfort Inn and Suites ($89/night, complimentary breakfast) 2727 Graves Rd, Tallahassee 32303
Event Fee- $5/person for 10 and older
Lunch Fee- $5/person if pre-ordered; $7.50 on site
To make reservations:
Call 1-877-ASK-FPEA or Email