Get Listed in our Florida Homeschool Directory!
Our goals with Homeschooling Florida are focused on being a helpful part of the educational community on the Internet, as well as in our neighborhoods.
Listings are for any business catering to parents, families, and students' needs.
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Directory Listings are for homeschool groups only and include the contact information for the group. No link.
Extended Listings are text listings of up to 35 words, including a link to your website, description and contact information.
Featured Ads include an Extended Listing and an animated banner linked to your website. Featured ads appear at the top of the listings (above all Extended Listings and directory listings) on a first come, first served basis.. You can provide the banner (150x150px GIF format) or we can make one for you. This service is included in the price.
All Rotating Animated Banners appear on every page of the directory, on the top right column (150x150px) of the page. They link to your website. They are served in a random rotation with other ads. Ads are served each time you refresh the page.
Fixed Animated Banners are not served in rotation, and appear in a fixed spot on the right hand side of every directory page, underneath the rotating banner, on a first come, first served basis. They are linked to your website.
If you have any questions, or need a multiple-ad quote, please call us at 1-877-228-1569.
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