

The goal of this website and blog is to encourage, facilitate and inform parents who are homeschooling, or wish to homeschool, their children in the state of FL.

The editors of HomeschoolingFlorida.com are homeschooling parents and long-time FL residents. Although we do have a backgrounds in the teaching profession, we believe that any parent who has the sincere desire to teach their own children should be allowed to. It is our goal, through this website, to inform our readers of issues affecting the homeschool community in FL, as well as share ideas, insights, trials, challenges and resources.

Please feel free to email us with any questions you may have about homeschooling in FL. The head of our team, Curtis Tucker, is a certified FL teacher and is available for homeschool evaluations and testing anywhere in the state. For more information about his services, please visit his website at www.Homeschool-Evaluations.com.

We also publish several other homeschool-related websites, namely: www.HomeschoolingGirls.com and www.Childrens-Book-Reviews.com.


Advertising is available on HomeschoolingFlorida.com in the form of banner ads. To set up an ad please call 1-877-228-1569.

There are over 48,000 homeschooling families in the state of FL. For more statistics, see the Annual Report on Home Education published by the Florida Dept. of Education.

Ad rates:

  • Horizontal banner at the top of every page, 468×60 px, in rotation above the fold – $95/month, or $950/year.
  • Square banner at the top right of every page, 125×125 px, in rotation above the fold – $75/month, or $750/year.
  • We can make a banner for your company or product if you do not have one.
  • Rates include traffic tracking statistics and any changes as needed.
  • VISA, MC, check accepted, all ads must be prepaid.

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